Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Babys and swimming pools?

A close family friend told me this evening that I shouldn't steal my almost 8 month old into our swimming pool because cholrine surrounded by pools can cause allergies and asthma within babies under 2 years behind the times. Does anyone know if this is true or not? We live in a small condo community and enjoy a beautiful pool that almost not anyone but us uses and I was soooo excited to help yourself to my daughter this summer because she loves her baby pool but presently I'm scared! HELP!Babys and swimming pools?
I hold not personally hear anything of the sort, but I did a little research online, and the problems be noted from INDOOR pools, not OUTDOOR wasn't totally conclusive however. But from personal experience, I have 2 children that enjoy ALWAYS swum in pools, and they haven't have any chlorine related problems that your friend mentioned.
That is a new one on me! Never hear such a thing. Ask your pediatrician.
No it isn.t true.I hold 4 grown children that all go in pools and the the deep.Not one of them has any strength problems from certainty the have be very wholesome all their lives(had chicken pox from break out to cleas contained by 2 days.)If it was ill they wouldn't have swimming module for baby's under a year old-fashioned.Go on Have Fun!!
I dont mean to be rude nearly your friend but she should mind her business and no.. the pool isnt going to cause your child to hold allergies or asthma.. that is freshly ridiculous... I have 5 children adjectives who have be waterbugs since nearly birth. Please take your daughter to the pool and savour this time with her.. I am sure she will delight in it and have so much fun dont nick that away from her.

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