Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby/ Toddler Seizures?

My baby who is 15 months have a seizure (fever, shaking, and after went unconscious) something like 9 days after her MMR shots...did yours? My doc said it couldn't be from the shots, but i'm unconvinced. when did yours have a commandeering?Baby/ Toddler Seizures?
My child did not expierence this, but I did look up the adverse effects associated with the MMR vacine and febrile convulsions is timetabled. And this must be reported (tell your doctor) to <Adverse Reactions: All serious adverse reactions must be reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1-800-822-7967.>
It's hugely possible it's from the shot my cousin's baby have the same point happen. My nephew have seizures that turned out to be febrile seizure that turned out to be caused by juvinile birth diabetes.
Some times when babys have lofty temp.
they could have seizure, But get a 2nd doctor to look at the newborn of go to your local hospt.
It is not exceptional for infants to have a fit during a fever. When this happen they call it a Febrile commandeering. Going unconsious for a while after a seizure is also ordinary, its called a Post-Dictal State. It is remarkably scary for the parents, but it happen quite frequently. 9 days is a long time after a shot to start showing symptoms of a criticism to it. Whether the fever be caused by the shot or something else similar to a cold doesn't matter, as long as you contact your doctor or an ambulance when it occur to have the little one checked out. These seizures usually DO NOT indicate that the child will hold a seizure disorder subsequently in natural life.

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