Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bit by a big black ant beside wing, support?

One of my friends got bit by a colossal, black ant with wing, not too long ago. Are they poisonous? Protocol? help please!Bit by a big black ant beside wing, support?
Dry the bite out as much as you can--with alcohol, tea tree oil--just to designation a few! You should be fine, don't freak out!! They are not poisonous, I be bitten by one of those before.
I dont regard as it was an ant if it have wings, you should read books something like it or ask a doctor in casing they are poisonous so you can get your friend relief before it is to slowly. If there is a over-hasty around the bite, then most possible it is, or if there is swelling or anything unusual almost the way the skin around the bite looks.
It is possible that this be a carpenter ant. They can be huge ants and some of them have wing! When they bite it can hurt horribly but unless you have an allergic criticism to it shouldn't cause any problems.
It be just a masculine ant. im pretty sure nothing will take place unless your alergic.

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