Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bowel cancer at 17?

i am very worried, for in the order of 2 weeks i didnt pass any stools, i enjoy been competent to today but only highly small ones and i can't pass anymore. this happen about a month ago, it turned out i have worms, but i seemed to enjoy gotten rid of them. can threadworms even cause this giving of constipation? ive had some bleak stomach pains and am feeling outstandingly bloated. i'm 17 years old next to no history of digestive problems. i need some reassurance, im frightened i hold bowel cancer. i should mention that the only dietry rework ive made lately is drinking alot of coffee.Bowel cancer at 17?
If anything coffee would make you travel to the bathroom...I would definitely desire medical attention...but don't jump to conclusions...what your explaining doesn't propose you have cancer.
See a dr--they can xray you to see if you are outstandingly constipated--or have a blockage from worms--yes, i enjoy heard of it. Take a laxitive and book an appt!!
If you have bowel cancer, you would probably be pooing out blood. Stop drinking all that coffee and drinking really well, also try to drink lots of dampen. You sound approaching you are really constipated, eat some foods lofty in cellulose, popcorn, oatmeal, fruits and you should be ok in a couple of days. If it keep up go to the doctor.
Cancer is other possible as it has nought to do with age. If you are worried, after see your doctor and have test done. Tell him/er your concerns and make sure they listen. If not self-righteous, get a second belief.
If you are female, catch the tests. Bowel cancer took out women within 2 of 3 generations of my wife's clan. It probably would have be all 3 generation but the middle generation have no females so it only get my wife and her paternal grandmother. My sister-in-law is currently clear as are my two daughters.

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