Wednesday, October 20, 2010

At what point does a cold sore become contagious?

At what point does a cold sore become contagious?
cold sores are contagious as soon as you see one. its a virus caused by herpes. engineer sure that you do not touch your cold sore and then touch other parts of your body as it will become infected.including the fingers and genitals.
Wash your hand after touching the lips.
Avoid picking at the sores as this can spread the virus to other parts of the body or result surrounded by a bacterial infection of the sores.
The body's defences can be strengthened by a strong lifestyle. Eat a varied diet, exercise regularly and grasp enough sleep.
The factor which trigger outbreaks differ from person to personality.
A cold sore is the Herpes virus and it is passed from person to personage by contact. I think it is most contagious when the blisters are out
Instantly as soon as you bring it and the wound is open!
it is other infectious.
A cold sore is contagious from just in the past the blister shows to after the scab falls off.
Take a vitamin call L-lysine at the first sign of a cold sore. My chiropractor told me about this and it works quick and is alot cheaper than some of the medications out nearby.
From the ' tingle ' until the point where in attendance are only dry scabs viral particle will be shed and you can spread infection. This is about a 5 morning period.

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