Wednesday, October 20, 2010

At what rank dose nouns bring down audible range?

At what level does nouns affect hearing? Please put the nouns level surrounded by decibels.At what rank dose nouns bring down audible range?
It's not that simple. I don't recall the exact numbers, but I come up with sound within the 120-130 decibel range is plenty to cause agony. Continuous exposure to sound level much lower than that for longer periods can motivation just as much interfere with to your hearing as short permanent status exposure to louder noises.
We live surrounded by a very deafening world today. Excessively loud car stereos, motorcycle exhausts, entwine noise while driving surrounded by cars, lawn mowers, Police & fire sirens, airplane engines... All these and copious more noise sources own the potential to damage your audible range. The biggest problem with audible range loss is that it doesn't happen adjectives at once. Little bits of damage can gather together over time, and you don't even realize it until one day you thought that everyone around you is shouting to make themselves hear... and then it's too slowly.
continued exposure to more than 85 decibels

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