Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Average altitude for an english man and woman?

What is the average height for an Englishman?
What is the average largeness for an Englishwoman?Average altitude for an english man and woman?
---Average height---
English man = 5'10
English woman= 5'3
Reminds me of a great story when after the war England supplied France next to condoms due to a shortage.
We sent over REALLY big ones and stamped the box's with ''English condoms, Std size''.
5'6 for a woman.
you generally learn this at primary sch oh ably this is it:
English man = 5'10
English woman= 5'3
I wish you adjectives the luck
im 5'1 and male, stop it, stop doing these question, im gonna go crazy i cant whip it, aghhaagagagagaa.
wanna go out next to me?

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